How To Ensure Safety In Hydrovac Services

How To Ensure Safety In Hydrovac Services

Hydrovac is a newer excavation method used for many infrastructure projects including safe excavation around utilities, debris removal, trench digging, and backfill restoration. All construction activities and operations pose inherent health and safety risks, and so does hydrovac. Nevertheless, the system still provides a safer way for trench digging and excavating for underground utility installations. Hydrovac trucks can efficiently locate or install utility lines by easily digging precise holes to various depths and sizes.

However, all these methods require careful consideration and for safety measures to be followed. Teams must work together to classify potential hydrovac risks and establish practical measures to mitigate them. If you are taking services from a hydrovac company, ensure they follow the following safety measures while doing their job.

Use Proper Signs On The Work Site

The first etiquette of a professional hydrovac company is to alert others about the ongoing work at the site. It is necessary to place proper signages that are visible to everyone. Such signages can help minimize hazards and accidents on the road and motivate workers to safely work on the site while following all the safety protocols there. These usually include signs for:

  • Alerting common people and passersby about the work going on.
  • Reminding workers and others on the working site to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Indicate “Danger” near the truck when excavations are in progress to avoid collision of vehicles with trucks or worse.

Such signs should be placed every 3 meters apart to remind workers of the safety protocols to follow and keep the environment safe.

Avoid Coming Into Contact With The Truck

Underground digging is a difficult process that requires technical skills. Excavating for underground utility installations can be dangerous, so one must avoid coming near the truck when excavating. Personnel should read manuals before operating any equipment at the site. Such safety precautions and keeping a safe distance from the excavation truck are necessary to avoid electrical injury.

Wearing PPE

A professional company values the lives of other people and its workers. It is important for them to provide their workers with the necessary PPE to keep them safe on the job site and protect them from any injury. PPE includes safety goggles, gloves, hats, protective clothing, respiratory protection, footwear, and hearing protection. Wearing PPE must be made obligatory on the job site.

Ensure Their Workers Are Trained For The Job

Hydrovac workers should have the necessary training and adequate qualifications to do the job. After all, the process involves maintaining and using heavy machines.

Workers must have prior training for the construction-related work. They must be equipped with the necessary tools, harnesses, and equipment to keep themselves safe on the job site. They should be aware of the various safety practices needed when working in areas with active traffic. They should know how to work in confined spaces. Moreover, there must be first-aid workers that have the required experience of dealing with different medical emergencies at the site.

Watching For Overhead Wires

Often hanging wires and transformers are a potential source of danger, as they can cause severe injuries and death upon coming into contact with the machines. Safe distances should be maintained between the machine and such wires during positioning.

Apart from these, maintaining the right hydrovac pressure is also necessary. If the pressure is too high, it will rupture the underground utilities and damage them permanently.

About Ghost Hydrovac

Hiring a professional hydrovac service will save you from hazards and make the process more efficient. Ghost Hydrovac provides highly professional hydrovac solutions to the residents of Alberta and British Columbia. Our specialized hydrovac trucks uncover underground utilities to perform various maintenance services efficiently and reliably. Contact us for professional hydrovac services at affordable rates.

Why Vacuum Excavation Is The Best Choice For Safe Digging

Why Vacuum Excavation Is The Best Choice For Safe Digging

Excavation is always risky and is one of the toughest parts of the construction process. Removing tons of soil from one place and then moving it to another is not as easy as it sounds. A lot of mishaps can happen during these excavation projects. The conventional ways of excavation involve shovels and a big workforce. This process is time consuming and dangerous especially due to underground gas pipelines, electricity wires and water pipes. One wrong action can lead to major issues that can take time and money to resolve. To tackle this issue, companies have started to use huge machinery such as excavators and track hoses but they also come with drawbacks. These heavy machines need a large space to work and if employed in small areas can cause damage to property and the surroundings. They also produce a lot of noise which largely contributes to noise pollution. Apart from all this, the danger of hitting a gas pipeline or damaging electricity wires is still a worry.

This all was before the development of vacuum excavation. When professionally trained workers properly employ vacuum excavation it results in the safe removal of soil. In this blog post we will discuss how vacuum excavation is the best choice for safe digging.

Vacuum Excavation

Vacuum excavation is a non destructive excavation method. It is also known as soft dig and hydro excavation, and is a very simple process. In your life at some point you may have seen a muddy hole in your garden made by your garden hose. Vacuum excavation employs the same technique but on a larger scale.

Vacuum excavation uses pressurized water or compressed air to uncover the underground utilities. Then it uses a blast of air or water to loosen the soil and break down the large materials in the soil. Then with the help of an air hose all the debris is transferred into a specially designed tank. Vacuum excavation minimizes the danger of damaging utility lines. It also does not require a large workforce or heavy machinery to work. Vacuum excavation just needs a professional who can operate the machine and the rest of the job is done by the vacuum excavator.

Advantages Of Vacuum Excavation

In comparison with the traditional ways of digging, vacuum excavation offers a lot of advantages. Below are some of the advantages vacuum excavation offers:

  • With a blast of air and water it uncovers the underground assets causing no disturbance to the surrounding areas and fully removes the risk of damaging the utility lines. This makes it an ideal process for utility works, especially in congested urban areas.
  • In winter soil hardens due to extreme cold weather. In this type of weather vacuum excavation works best. It uses warm pressurized water to loosen the soil and digs through the earth easily.
  • Vacuum excavation doesn’t require a large space to operate. As the vacuum hose and pressure heads can be used remotely, there is no need to demolish the surrounding area or clear an area to make space for heavy machinery. This makes it an ideal fit for small areas.
  • As hydro excavation is a wet procedure it does not generate dust and other particles. Whereas, other traditional methods produce a lot of dust contributing to air pollution.
  • Vacuum excavation does not require personnel to enter the area for digging. As the digging is done by the vacuum hose and its pressure heads there is no need for actual people to enter the area. This minimizes the chances of injuries and increases worker safety.
  • Vacuum excavation is cost-effective. Since they are faster than the traditional ways of digging, it reduces the time to complete a project. This results in less expenditure making it a cost friendly project.

The aforementioned advantages make it clear that vacuum excavation is a safer and more efficient way of digging. As it is less invasive, more cost effective, produces less pollution, and is a safer way to excavate. All this puts it above the traditional ways of digging.

About Ghost Hydrovac

Ghost Hydrovac offers expert hydro-dig services such as hydrovac excavation, directional drilling, utility installation, cleaning, washing, and much more in Alberta and British Columbia. For more information, visit our website or contact us here today.

6 Benefits of Hiring A Professional Excavation Company

6 Benefits of Hiring A Professional Excavation Company

If you are planning on doing your next excavation project yourself, it’s important to know the benefits of hiring a professional hydrovac excavation company to do the job. If you are planning on renting a machine and excavating yourself with little or no prior experience you can end up with a huge mess. Excavation is a tough job because such a project will need earth moving tools for foundation and building structures. So, if you are going to construct a building with a basement or are planning to design a swimming pool in your backyard, it is advised that you hire a professional excavation company. Any job that requires moving earth and building a foundation will require professional help. Public welfare and development jobs like the construction of roads, and parking lots also require help from professionals.

Regardless of the type of construction project you have planned, the first thing you need to do is prepare the construction site and building pad which will require a professional excavation company. Excavating a construction site involves much more than simply leveling a spot to build a pad; it’s a process that demands skill and knowledge to create a solid site to build on without causing unnecessary damage to property and its surroundings. In this blog we will tell you some of the benefits of hiring a professional excavation company.

They Have The Proper Equipment

A professional excavation company can easily move large pieces of earth. They have all the tools and equipment which are needed to do the job. Professional and expensive equipment is needed to complete an excavation project. Professional excavation companies have invested a lot of money in their equipment. They have all sorts of tools and machinery to do the excavation project. Every project requires different machines and tools which excavation companies have. Most importantly, your contractors will know which pieces of equipment suit each aspect, helping you save time and money.

Quick Completion Of Work

Professionals are well equipped to complete the job on time. Since they have all the equipment such as excavators they are able to complete the job within a short period of time. On the other hand if you are doing the excavation by yourself that will take up a lot of your time. Since you are not properly equipped and don’t have the experience to get the job done on time. More time means more money so, it’s better that you hire a professional.

Costs Can Be Diminished With Them

Hiring the professional services of a company and the use of their advanced machinery will also bring down the cost of your project. Conventional ways of digging with shovels will require a lot of workforce and that will increase the cost of your project. The job done by 4 or 5 people with shovels can’t be compared to the work done by an excavator alone. So, hiring a professional excavator will cut the cost of workers and will bring down the overall cost of your project.

They Have Insurance

When you hire a professional excavation company you don’t have to worry if something goes wrong. Professional companies have insurance and if an accident occurs during the project you are not held liable and the company bears all the expenses.

They Can Handle Surprises

Excavation comes with a lot of surprises; it doesn’t always go as planned. While digging you may come across rocks or sand making the excavation more complicated. Sometimes the excavated area starts to cave in depending on the type of soil and if you are not careful, your excavator can go toppling right along with it. Situations like these will mess up your project timeline. Whereas, professional excavation companies have the experience to deal with situations like these and will complete the job on time, saving you time, energy, and hassle.

Excavation Can Be Costly If It Goes Wrong

Excavation is a tough job, as there is a lot at stake. The slightest mistake can turn into a huge mess. You need to be very vigilant while doing extraction. A small mistake can cost a lot of money, so there is no room for error. If you do not have any experience or knowledge it’s better that you hire a professional, as it will save you time and money in the long run by getting the job done right the first time.

About Ghost Hydrovac

At Ghost Hydrovac, we offer expert hydro-vac services, including hydro excavation, directional drilling, cleaning, washing, and more using specialized hydro-vac trucks in Alberta and BC. Contact us today, for more information about our services.

Who Should You Hire For A Gas Pipeline Installation?

Who Should You Hire For A Gas Pipeline Installation?

Gas line installation is not an easy task and needs someone with hands-on experience in excavating and digging the ground properly without damaging the surrounding areas. Underground utility installation services can help you in such scenarios and provide you with a safe service.

Ghost Hydrovac offers the best utility infrastructure installation and repair services across BC and Alberta. We have a professional team that is well-versed with the latest technologies to carry out the digging and excavation processes. Learn more about what you should look for when hiring gas and other utility installation services below.

They Should Avoid Damaging Other Things

A sign of a good excavation company is that they avoid damage to your other property and things in the surrounding area. They responsibly cover the services while taking care of the fences and boundaries and avoid damage to nearby utilities.

Gas pipelines should be installed with care, and if any damage is done to other utility installations, you will have to pay for surcharges. Therefore, hire a professional excavation company equipped with the latest technologies that can provide effective services. Be sure to only sign contracts with companies that offer insurance.

Look For A Company Under Your Budget

It is better to ask the prices of the services of a company before availing one from them. Get an estimate before about the digging and excavation services along with other related work to make sure that the project will be under your set budget. If this is not possible, keep on searching for different companies that can provide the right services at an affordable rate. Be sure to ask about any hidden charges and upfront costs.

Consider Hiring Hydroexcavation Services

Hydro excavation is a relatively new technology that excavates the ground while creating little mess. It is a better technology as compared to other traditional methods of excavation because it is fast and is done with greater efficiency.

Hydro excavation services can also play an important role in gas pipeline installations. They use trenches to dig the spot without affecting the nearby area. Furthermore, they also help to clean the trenches and pits so you can install new pipes in their existing places.

Therefore, if you want the least amount of disruption to the ground while installing new gas pipelines, going for a hydro excavation service would be your best bet, Ghost Hydrovac is one of the best hydrovac companies in Alberta and BC offering professional excavation services to its clients.

They Should Have The Right Equipment

Excavating for gas pipeline installation requires professionalism and the right set of equipment to cater to the job. The right company will have the necessary arsenal of digging equipment and attachments that can smoothen the process. A professional excavator will also have the necessary licenses to operate an excavator machine and do the job legally.

They Should Be Experienced

Gas pipeline installation is a task full of risks and unpredictability about the type of soil and the land. Therefore, hiring a company with the right experience is necessary to avoid any danger. Inexperienced excavators might face electrocution, collapsing pits, and striking a buried gas line that can lead to more problems. Hiring an experienced company with background knowledge of installing gas pipelines can save you from such incidents.

About Ghost Hyrdrovac

Ghost Hyrdrovac delivers efficient and cost-effective hydrovac excavation and other services. We are an excavation company based in Alberta and BC. Ghost Hydrovac’s trucks uncover underground utilities to perform various maintenance services efficiently and reliably. We perform damage-free drilling and excavation on time and within your budget. Learn more about our services or contact us for further information.

Useful Tips For Digging And Excavation In Winter

Useful Tips For Digging And Excavation In Winter

Many construction projects are carried out during the winter. However, it can be a bit taxing to carry out tasks like excavation and digging in cold weather which is why careful steps must be taken while carrying out such projects. Special machinery and excavation trucks are required for such projects. Carrying out excavation is even harder in areas where there are snowy conditions.

The struggle is real when it comes to digging in the winter but having a properly trained and experienced excavation company by your side can smoothen the process. This blog post mentions some useful tips for digging and excavation in winter and how you can ease the process.

Is Winter A Good Time To Do Excavation?

Although it is hard to dig into the snowy ground and excavate, there are companies that specifically deal with tasks like these. Moreover, you can rent quality trucks that are designed to provide excavation services in difficult weather conditions. Ghost Hydrovac is one such company in Alberta and BC that offers directional drilling and excavation services at affordable rates. So you don’t have to worry about the weather halting your tasks at any time of the year. Many hydro excavation trucks are equipped with a heating system that is unaffected by stacks of snow underneath the ground.

Some Tips For Excavation In Winter

Prepare Your Machines

The first step towards excavating in winter is to prepare your machines or hire a company with suitable excavators. Make sure to inspect all the machines thoroughly before moving them to the construction site. The hydro excavation process involves hot water and an air vacuum to thaw and dig through frozen soil.

Keep Your Supplies Ready

Winter conditions pose more threats to digging and drilling projects. There are landslides, avalanches, and other dangerous conditions that you might not be prepared for. For example, depending on the weather conditions, you have to keep certain materials at controlled temperatures.

Such challenging weather can prevent you from completing specific temperature-dependent tasks like spraying insulation or drying concrete. Materials like caulks and adhesives need to be kept at controlled temperatures. Therefore, it is better to prepare your materials and equipment according to the weather of the location you will be working at.

Plan For Emergencies

Winter is unpredictable, especially in areas where snowfall and rainstorms are common. Therefore, you and your workers should be prepared for any unexpected event during the process. This includes keeping extra equipment and machines to mitigate the difficult situation and having extra clothing, safety equipment, blankets, food and water, batteries, matches, flares, and first-aid kits. Also, have general liability insurance to cover injuries.

Hire The Right Company

The most important tip is to hire the right excavation company. Moreover, it is imperative that you choose the right excavation truck that can do the hard job of drilling and excavation in the winter. The staff must be properly trained to ease your process and keep everything safe.

About Ghost Hydrovac

At Ghost Hydrovac, we offer professional hydrovac excavation, directional drilling, utility installation, cleaning, washing, and other hydrovac-related services across Alberta and British Columbia. We have top-quality trucks for hydro excavation, directional drilling, and more. If you have any more queries, feel free to contact us.

How Can I Choose The Right Hydro-Vac Truck For My Application?

How Can I Choose The Right Hydro-Vac Truck For My Application?

Hydrovac excavation is a relatively new technique for digging that uses pressurized water and a powerful vacuum system to break down the soil. It is a mud extracting service. Instead of automated tools, the process uses pressurized water to create a dirt slurry and then sucks it all out in a debris tank with the help of a vacuum system.

This blog aims to discuss everything you need to know about hydro-vac services before hiring one.

Benefits Of Using A Hydrovac Service

A hydrovac is used to dig up all sorts of debris such as clay, sand and pebbles. This process is done under the supervision of experts who are trained to use hydrovac trucks.

  • It is a relatively safe process of excavation and doesn’t require extensive labor.
  • This process ensures that the soil in the surrounding area is not disturbed.
  • This process is quicker.
  • This process doesn’t cause any damage to the existing infrastructure.

This makes the process smooth, simple. So no underground fixtures are deteriorated.

What’s The Process Of Hydro Excavation?

A hydrovac works by directing high pressure water through a hose, which displaces the soil. When the soil becomes a slurry mixture, it is then sucked out using the vacuums’ pumping structure and stored in the debris tank.

Powerful hydrovac trucks can dig up to 60 feet deep. These trucks can be used on any surface type to gather debris.

Hydrovac Applications

Hydrovac systems can be used at a variety of work sites for construction, repairs, and rehabilitation. You can use this system for:

  • Removal of debris
  • Installing lines
  • Sign installation
  • Potholing
  • Pole installation
  • Inspection and repairing of sewers

Efficiency And Experience

Excavation needs to be performed efficiently, especially when the site is in the city. This is a less invasive mode of extraction compared to mechanical digging resulting in less disruption to local inhabitants.

Hiring private companies who are experienced in excavation work is the best policy as they are particularly trained to offer this service professionally and they have the right equipment which will make your work worthwhile and quick. A pressure greater than 3000 pounds per square inch ( PSI) during hydro-vac excavation can harm the subsurfaces’ utilities; they will know how to customize the machine according to the site’s requirements.


Accuracy and precision are the most important aspects for an excavation project as there isn’t much room for omission. Projects that involve cutting and digging can damage underground utilities.

It provides a result neater than normal excavation because debris can be dumped anywhere. These trucks generally have tanks that store slurry in them.


Vacuum trucks are available for sale and for rent as well. Depending on the project and your needs, hiring is the best alternative because every project will require different machinery hence purchasing them will not be a viable option.

You should hire a company that is well known and has a well-trained crew.

Since hydrovac excavation is a faster method when compared to other traditional methods it can help you save you time.

About Ghost Hydrovac

Ghost Hydrovac is one of the best hydrovac companies offering affordable services in Edmonton, Surrey, and Vancouver. We are not only limited to providing hydrovac services but also offer renting services for diesel trucks, directional drills, vacuum trucks, and more. Contact us for further assistance or to avail our services. We also offer expert hydrovac services, including hydro excavation, directional drilling, cleaning, washing, and more using specialized hydrovac trucks.

Air Vacuum VS Hydro Vacuum Excavation Which One Is Better?

Air Vacuum VS Hydro Vacuum Excavation Which One Is Better?

Vacuum excavation is the process in which water or air is used to soften the soil and then is removed through a vacuum. This method is much safer than traditional mechanical digging as many accidents can be avoided by adopting this method of excavation.

This blog aims to explain the difference between hydro excavation and air excavation.

Why Vacuum Excavation?

You run the risk of damaging underground utilities with mechanical digging, vacuum excavation eliminates this risk.

Vacuum excavation is cost-effective with a higher level of precision compared to traditional mechanical excavation methods.

This method of excavation is not just cost effective but also very safe for workers to perform thus it is very suitable for companies.

Air vs Hydro Excavation

Hydro Vacuum Excavation is a method in which high pressure water is used along with a vacuum. The high pressure water displaces the soil which is then transferred to the debris tank using a vacuum.

In air excavation, high pressure air is used to displace the soil which is then removed by the vacuum and transferred to the debris tank. So you must be thinking, which one is better? There are many different opinions regarding this topic. Below we will compare the different features so you can decide which one is best suited for you.


Safety always comes first. It is always the number one priority on job sites. If excavation is being performed on a site which is near underground electrical wires then air excavation should be preferred since air is not a conductor. This way any mishap due to electric shock can be avoided.

Air excavation is also carried out on such sites where there is a possibility of a chemical reaction between water and other materials.

Conditions Of The Soil

Every site is different and may require different procedures for excavation. It has been observed that for loosely compacted soil or sand, air excavation is preferable.

Compared to this, hydro vacuum excavation is more versatile. It can break down hard and compact sand, clay and rocky soil.

Impact On Its Surroundings

Sometimes it is very important to preserve the surrounding area. If you are excavating on a site near trees, buildings or other utilities air excavation is preferred.

Efficiency Of Work

Many workers prefer hydro excavation because it has the ability to move soil faster, this is only suitable for excavation as refilling the site can be very slow. On the other hand, the excavation process can take some time, but refilling can be done in a shorter span of time.


It is important to evaluate your resources before opting for any method of excavation. Hydro excavation can be expensive as it requires frequent refilling of water, which is not the case for air excavation.

About Ghost Hydrovac

Ghost Hydrovac provides hydrovac excavation, directional drilling, and pressure washing services to telecom, hydro, oil, gas, and construction companies throughout BC.

We specialize in telecom industry work, which involves cable pulling, conduit repair, line locating, vault replacement, and cutting and replacing concrete. We also provide complete FSA packages. We focus on quality, safety, communication, and customer satisfaction to ensure you receive the best services possible.

We are the best hydrovac company in Edmonton. We have been working with industry leaders such as AFL Global, ATCO, BC Hydro, and Fortis Gas, as well as municipal and provincial governments.

Top Benefits Of Renting Diesel Pickup Trucks

Top Benefits Of Renting Diesel Pickup Trucks

Work trucks are important for hauling materials, transporting goods, and being a part of a fleet. However, owning them can be quite expensive and demands high maintenance. Towing heavy loads requires heavy-duty trucks, which is only accomplished by a diesel truck with enough power to transfer goods from one place to another.

Often the ultimate question for many goods transporting companies is whether to own or rent a diesel truck. This blog post will guide you whether it is better to purchase a diesel pickup or rent one.

Renting A Diesel Truck

Companies need strong and dependable vehicles that can perform specific functions productively and efficiently. Renting a diesel truck means you can take the diesel truck on rent to transport goods. Renting a truck can be quite beneficial in terms of cost and maintenance. Let’s take a look at the benefits of renting diesel trucks.

There Is Less Maintenance Cost

Diesel engines are far better than gasoline ones due to the mileage capacity they provide. Diesel engines can cover more miles; for example, they can reach up to 7,500 miles before needing replacement. On the other hand, gasoline engines require an oil change and other maintenance issues sooner than diesel engines. They might cover a distance of only 3,000 miles and then need an oil change. This better mileage capacity makes diesel trucks a more viable option for transferring goods and for other services.

It Reduces Vehicle Cost

Buying a truck can be an expensive choice for you especially if you only need it occasionally. The initial vehicle cost of a diesel truck is much higher than renting one out. Renting a diesel truck is a much more viable option for most business owners, especially when you need to rent for temporary purposes.

When you rent vehicles from a reputable truck rental provider like Ghost Hydrovac, you will receive maintenance and repair services as part of your rental agreement.

There Are Green Diesel Options

In the past it was a well known fact that diesel contributed to the pollution in our environment; however, nowadays, greener diesel options are available. This makes diesel trucks an eco-friendly choice, so you no longer have to feel guilty while operating them. Moreover, nowadays you can find trucks that provide great mileage and produce less smoke pollution.

Renting Can Help Introduce The Latest Technologies

Renting diesel trucks can help you rent the latest models of trucks that are equipped with modern technologies. You can utilize those technologies. Modern recent equipment advancements might include areas such as power, control, comfort, and safety. This helps make your drivers feel more secure and valued while driving, and they are more productive.

It Meets Your Immediate Need

It is not everyday that you might need a diesel truck to help you meet a deadline, or that some of your fleet of trucks suddenly break down, and you need to have more trucks on an immediate basis. Renting a facility can facilitate you in such circumstances and provide you with a diesel truck on an immediate basis.

About Ghost Hydrovac

Ghost Hydrovac is one of the best hydrovac companies offering affordable services in Edmonton, Surrey, and Vancouver. We are not only limited to providing hydrovac services but also offer renting services for diesel trucks, directional drills, vacuum trucks, and more. Contact us for further assistance or to avail our services. We also offer expert hydrovac services, including hydro excavation, directional drilling, cleaning, washing, and more using specialized hydrovac trucks.

How Is Ghost Hydrovac One Of The Best Excavation Companies In Alberta & BC?

How Is Ghost Hydrovac One Of The Best Excavation Companies In Alberta & BC?

Hydrovac excavation is the precise method of excavating land. It is a non-destructive method of carrying out excavation and similar procedures. Only a professional company can do this job accurately due to the high-quality machines used and the technical knowledge required for this job. The process uses highly pressurized water to liquefy the mixture below and extract it into a truck with a debris tank mounted on it.

If you are in Edmonton, Ghost Hydrovac is the best choice for your hydro excavation. We not only offer numerous other services but also have a team of qualified professionals. The services we offer include:

  • High-pressure washing
  • Steam cleaning
  • Flushing
  • Utility installation and repair
  • Rental services

This blog post lists all the reasons that make Ghost Hydrovac one of Edmonton’s most suitable hydro excavation services.

We Offer A Safe And Non-Destructive Method

Hydrovac excavation, as compared to traditional methods of excavation, is much safer and less destructive. Our up-to-date machines replace mechanical excavators. Other conventional methods use digging for excavation that can affect underground utilities and thus increase the procedure’s cost.

Ghost Hydrovac offers efficient machinery that replaces traditional excavation methods and performs the job much faster.

We Take Care Of Underground Utilities

Because hydrovac excavation uses pressurized water to dig up the ground, it is a non-destructive method. Therefore, this makes it ideal for situations where you have to keep underground utilities safe. Many companies benefit from hydrovac services, including utility providers, construction, telecommunications, and more.

We Have Professional Affiliations

Ghost Hydrovac is a professional and reliable hydrovac company on which you can rely for quality services. We aspire to deliver great services and make sure that our customers are satisfied with our professionalism. Ghost Hydrovac has all the necessary affiliations to perform excavation services and is compliant with ComplyWorks, Gold Shovel Standards, and WorkSafeBC.

We Offer Various Services

Ghost Hydrovac is not only limited to providing hydrovac services but also offers other related services such as high-pressure washing, steam cleaning, flushing, utility installation and repair, and truck rental services. These services make us a one-stop solution for hydrovac and related services. We offer these services across Alberta and British Columbia. We allow contractors to put more pipes in the ground, install more poles, and complete more service repairs by safely clearing a path through utility conflicts.

We Have A Shop For Accessories

You can search for any related product for your hydro excavation projects on our website. Ghost Hydrovac has a shop that offers nozzles, fittings, and other accessories. We offer products such as:

  • Dig Tubes & Wands
  • Filters
  • Fittings
  • Hoses & Fittings
  • Wash Guns, Nozzles & Accessories

Visit our website to shop for all your hydrovac-related accessories.

We Offer Career Services

At Ghost Hydrovac we are always on the lookout for new talent that can join our company and serve our customers. You can join our team in Surrey if you think you are a reliable, mechanically inclined, and dedicated individual who can perform well in the hydrovac industry. We are dedicated to providing the best possible hydrovac services to our clients. We provide training and ongoing education opportunities. If you are interested, contact us today.

Ghost Hydrovac is dedicated to providing its customers with the most professional hydrovac services. We perform every task while keeping maintenance services efficient and reliable. Contact us for more information.

4 Reasons Why Renting Equipment Is More Advantageous Than Owning It

4 Reasons Why Renting Equipment Is More Advantageous Than Owning It

Businesses and companies are always looking for ways to get a competitive advantage over their rivals. Their finance team spends days browsing through their balance sheets trying to find some way to achieve a better stance. One effective way is to compare the cost of renting or leasing heavy equipment instead of owning or buying them.

Almost all businesses use loaders, lifts, excavators, generators, and other essential equipment and like any other resource, these must be streamlined to achieve maximum efficiency. Cost-benefit analysis helps determine whether you should rent or buy equipment.

Renting equipment allows a bigger organization to augment its fleet when needed, while it can aid small businesses to propose projects that require special equipment to fulfill its requirements. Diverse capabilities among different sizes of equipment can help businesses serve niche markets and get a variety of projects.

Continue reading to find out some of the benefits that have made equipment rentals immensely popular in various industries.

Avoid Transportation & Storage Cost

When buying heavy machinery or equipment, you also have to ensure that there is sufficient space or area for their temporary or permanent storage. You do not want to leave such a large investment in heavy rain, blizzards, or scorching heat as continuous exposure to natural elements can damage the equipment. This leads to decreased equipment value and possible financial loss.

Also, rentals can free you from the logistics of transporting machinery or equipment from one location to another. Hence, you are safe from spending large sums of money on storage and transportation.

Decrease Long-run Expenses

Many companies and organizations have equipment consultants and maintenance teams dedicated to the regular service and upkeep of machines and equipment to ensure smooth operations. Mechanics are responsible for checking the hydraulics, fluid levels, regular service, changing of machine components or parts, and technology up-gradation. They are also in charge of managing leaks and controlling breakdowns when using the equipment.

You can gauge and estimate the cost of renting any equipment quite easily. However, the overall expenditure when it comes to the maintenance and service of privately owned equipment is less predictable. In the long run, the maintenance cost of worn-out and aging equipment increases. Hence, the best way to avoid long-run expenses is by renting equipment.

No Upfront Investment

Large and heavy equipment such as tracked dozers, excavators, or telehandlers can be fairly expensive, a cost that needs to be pre-planned and usually requires a year or two to come about. So, if you are buying a piece of equipment, your money will be tied up or frozen until you sell it. The longer the duration of its use, the lower the resale offers you will get which is not desirable for such a large investment.

Most companies tend to avoid freezing large sums of money so they can freely pursue other opportunities to make a profit or maintain other important aspects of the business. So, renting equipment allows you to prevent blocking your money in the form of machines.

Sharpen Your Competitive Edge

There is an age-old concept in the corporate world that it is difficult to compete against large, well-established companies. The possession of new technology and the latest equipment is a major contributing factor in this regard. However, equipment rental is a good way to shift that decades-old characteristic in order to allow new, small businesses to have a competitive advantage against the big fishes in the industry.

Smaller companies can now procure the same type of equipment for their projects. This access to an efficient and diverse fleet of machines will allow them to perform better or equal quality work in lesser amounts as compared to their well-established competitors. Hence, rental service is an effective source for small and medium-sized companies to sharpen their competitive edge and outperform big corporations with quality work.


About Us

At Ghost Hydrovac, we offer expert hydro-vac services, including hydro excavation, directional drilling, steam cleaning, pressure washing, and more using specialized hydro-vac trucks in Alberta and BC. For more information about our services, contact us today.